What to Drink in Budapest

Sip and Savor: Budapest’s Exquisite Beverages

Budapest is a city where history, culture, and gastronomy intertwine to offer visitors an unforgettable experience. Among the many delights of this vibrant capital are its diverse and exquisite beverages. From world-renowned wines to unique spirits, the drinks menu in Budapest is as varied and rich as its history. Let’s embark on a liquid journey through Budapest, exploring the city’s must-try beverages that capture the essence of Hungarian tradition and innovation.

PÁLINKA – The Fiery Fruit Spirit

A Taste of Hungarian Tradition

Pálinka is Hungary’s quintessential spirit, distilled from a variety of fruits. Originating from the Great Hungarian Plain, particularly the Kecskemét region, this potent beverage is deeply rooted in Hungarian culture. The most popular flavors include barack (apricot), cseresznye (cherry), and szilva (plum), with the latter being particularly favored from Szatmár. Other notable varieties include Törköly, a delicate brandy distilled from grape pomace, and Vilmos, made from Williams pears.

The Experience

Tasting pálinka is an adventure in itself. Each sip delivers a powerful punch of fruity aroma and flavor, followed by a warming sensation. It’s typically enjoyed as a digestif, perfect for rounding off a hearty Hungarian meal. When in Budapest, visiting a local distillery or a bar that specializes in pálinka is a must for any spirit enthusiast.

SPARKLING WINES – The Bubbly Delight

A Legacy of Effervescence

Hungarian sparkling wine, known as pezsgő, has a storied history dating back to 1881 when József Törley introduced French sparkling wine production methods to Hungary. The Budafok region, home to Törley’s first production plant, remains a hub of sparkling wine excellence. Regions like Pannonia and Balatonboglár also produce notable sparkling wines, with labels like Törley and Hungaria leading the charge.

The Experience

Enjoying a glass of Hungarian sparkling wine is a celebration of fine bubbles and delicate flavors. Perfect for toasting special occasions or simply enjoying a sunny afternoon, pezsgő offers a refreshing and elegant drinking experience. Its crispness pairs wonderfully with light appetizers and seafood, making it a versatile choice for various dining occasions.

HUNGARIAN BEERS – The Paprika Companion

A Brew of Tradition

Beer has a growing presence in Hungary, especially as a companion to the country’s paprika-rich dishes. Traditional breweries like Arany Ászok, Kőbányai, and Dreher have long been beloved by locals. Despite many breweries now being owned by foreign corporations, these names remain synonymous with quality Hungarian beer.

The Experience

Hungarian beers are typically light and refreshing, making them ideal for pairing with hearty Hungarian cuisine like goulash or paprikash. A cold pint of Dreher or Arany Ászok is perfect for quenching your thirst on a warm day while exploring the local pubs and beer gardens provides a great way to experience Budapest’s social scene.

HUNGARIAN WINES – A Symphony of Styles

A Rich Heritage

Hungary boasts 22 distinct wine regions, each producing a diverse range of wines. From the dry whites of Chardonnay and Riesling to the medium-dry Zöldszilváni and aromatic Muskotály, the variety is impressive. For red wine lovers, Hungary offers robust options like Kékfrankos, Burgundi, Oportó, and the celebrated Egri Bikavér, or “Bulls’ Blood,” from Eger.

The Experience

Wine tasting in Budapest is a journey through Hungary’s viticultural history. Visiting local wine bars and vineyards allows you to sample these exquisite wines while learning about their unique production methods. Pairing these wines with traditional Hungarian dishes enhances the flavors, creating a memorable culinary experience.

TOKAJI – The Golden Dessert Wine

A World-Renowned Sweetness

Tokaji wines, especially Tokaji Aszú, are Hungary’s most famous contribution to the world of wine. The unique climatic conditions at the confluence of the Bodrog and Tisza rivers, combined with volcanic soil, create the perfect environment for producing these sweet, full-bodied wines.

The Experience

Tokaji Aszú, made from over-ripe grapes harvested after the first frost, is renowned for its rich flavors of apricot, honey, and spices. Sipping Tokaji is like tasting a piece of history, with each glass offering a complex bouquet and a luxurious finish. It’s the perfect dessert wine, best enjoyed with cheeses, pastries, or simply on its own.

UNICUM – The Bitter Herb Liqueur

A Historic Elixir

Unicum is a bitter herbal liqueur with a recipe that dates back over 150 years, created by the Zwack family. Made from a blend of 40 Hungarian herbs, Unicum was originally concocted as a remedy for King Franz I. Today, it remains a popular apéritif or digestif.

The Experience

Unicum offers a unique tasting experience with its intense herbal bitterness and complex flavors. It’s best enjoyed chilled, either before a meal to stimulate the appetite or after dinner as a digestive aid. Its distinctive taste makes it a memorable part of any visit to Budapest.


Budapest’s beverage scene is a testament to Hungary’s rich cultural and culinary heritage. From the fiery spirit of pálinka to the elegant bubbles of Hungarian sparkling wine, the robust flavors of local beers, and the sweet complexity of Tokaji wines, there’s something for every palate. Unicum adds a unique herbal twist, rounding out the diverse offerings. Exploring these beverages not only enhances your culinary experience but also offers a deeper connection to Hungary’s traditions and innovations.

Raise a glass to the exquisite flavors of Budapest and enjoy the journey through Hungary’s exceptional drink offerings.